
Folgende Publikationen wurden im Rahmen des Kompetenzfeldes „Urban Mobility Living Labs“ am Logistikum Steyr erstellt:

  • MobiLab OÖ – der Brückenschlag zwischen Fachhochschulen und Innovation mit Hilfe eines Innovationslabors
    FFH 2024 – Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen „Let’s apply science!“, F. Hofbauer, A. Reindl, M. Juppe, W. Schildorfer, P. Graf, D. Freudenthaler-Mayrhofer, M. Gritsch, W. Ortner, G. Schönwetter, R. Tockner, G. Wagner, D. Knapp, 2024
  • Efficiency evaluation of automated forklifts in logistics applications.
    15th ITS European Congress 2023 „ITS – The Game Changer“ , F. Hofbauer, W. Schildorfer, M. Neubauer, W. Ortner, 2023
  • Marktstudie: „Potentialanalyse zu H2-Lkw und H2-Bussen in Österreich.“
    Autoren: Florian Hofbauer, Manuel Walch, Wolfgang Schildorfer (Februar 2022).
  • Marktstudie: „Emissionsfreie Busse in Österreich.“
    Autoren: Florian Hofbauer, Wolfgang Schildorfer (Juni 2022)
  • Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen betreffend des Modules 1 des Strategiepapiers „UpperLogistics2030“.
    Autoren: Wolfgang Schildorfer, Florian Hofbauer, Manuel Walch, Andrea Massimiani (September 2021)
  • Evaluation design for sustainable mobility with focus on last-mile solutions (WIP).
    34th annual NOFOMA conference 2022, M. Juppe, 2022
  • MaaS implementation in Austria – Lessons learnt, challenges and evaluation methodology. 
    14th ITS European Congress 2022 „Smart and Sustainable Mobility for all“, M. Juppe, A. Millonig, S. Pichler, M. Nemec, W. Schildorfer, 2022
  • MobiLab2.0: Scientific support in sustainable mobility and logistics solutions
    ISPIM Innovation Conference 2022 „Innovating in a Digital World“, M. Juppe, F. Hofbauer, 2022
  • Understanding the role of co-creation and sustainability transition within the context of urban mobility
     2nd PhDs in Transitions Conference 2017 “Sustainability Transitions: Theory and Practice”, C. Haider, Lausanne, CH, 2017
  • Increasing the share of intermodal dangerous goods transport by horizontal cooperation among Logistics Service Providers
    N. Moritz, Master Thesis, 2017
  • Systemic tools to better identify and understand stakeholder roles and relations in Living Labs
    Open Living Lab Days – Conference Proceedings, U. Kopp, C. Haider, J. Preinesberger, Krakau, Polen, 2017
  • Der Living Lab Ansatz – Identifikation von kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren zur Umsetzung eines Living Labs im Themenfeld Mobilität im Zentralraum OÖ
    J. Preinesberger, Master Thesis, 2016
  • The Development and Alignment of a Living Lab Conception for Sustainable Transport Solutions
    6th TRA – Moving Forward: Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow’s Mobility, C. Haider, U. Kopp, M. Pajones, Warsaw, Polen, 2016
  • Open Innovation in urban development – Setting up of a Living Lab to accelerate innovations for urban transport and mobility
    C. Haider, U. Kopp, G. Breitfuss, M. Reinthaler, P. Nolz, 2015
  • Adoption of Living Labs for the Conceptual Term “Industrial Mobility”
    Proceedings ISPIM Innovation Conference 2015, C. Haider, Budapest, Ungarn, 2015
  • Sustainable operation management for the transport industry – closing the gap between theory and practice
    Exploring Sustainability in OM and SCM: Setting the Research Agenda, C. Haider, G. Aschauer, Groningen, NL, 2014
  • Sustainability in Logistics – an Applied Research Approach to Make Transport Chains Greener
    8th HICL-Success Drivers of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, C. Haider, G. Aschauer , Hamburg, Deutschland, 2013
  • Green Logistics concepts for sustainable transport operations
    Proceedings of the POM 2013 – Twenty Fourth Annual Conference, G. Aschauer, C. Haider, Denver, USA, 2013
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